Do Not Be Surprised!
Do not be surprised!
For those of you reading this blog post and have kids that are younger than 5, viagra buy watch out! After the publication of Dad Cents in October of 2009, I have had several people question the practice of beginning financial training at age 3. They have said, “Do they really understand at that age?” or “That is pretty early to think about money!”
Let me tell you about our youngest daughter, Josie, who is soon to turn 5 years old. As I suggest in Dad Cents, we have not started allowance for Josie because she has yet to turn 5. Being the youngest of our three daughters she has watched her sisters very closely and does not act like very many 4 yr olds! She wants to carry a purse with makeup, a cell phone (an old one of mine that does not actually work) and money! She also watches her sisters get allowance, go to the store and make purchases with THEIR money.
Josie usually gets money for her birthday, and a few other times when grandma and grandpa are feeling generous. We realized not too long ago that she needed an intermittent income source so we have allowed here to help with some special projects to earn money. As you know, every child has a very different personality and Josie is our spender. When Josie has money it burns a whole in her pocket.
A couple of days ago, Val and Josie were going to the mall to look for spring clearance sales and Josie did not have any money; surprise, surprise. Val decided on a project that Josie could help accomplish to earn some shopping money. Fortunately, shopping money for a 4 yr old is usually not very much. We usually give her a quarter per job. This time however, when Val told Josie that she would get some money, Josie quickly replied, “Mommy can I get a paper one?” Do not be surprised at what age your children will begin to catch on!
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