
1.20.2011 Proverbs 20:4

Proverbs Post #29-  

Today I was reading in chapter 20, treatment and verse 4 jumped out to me today.  It says:

20:4 The sluggard will not plow during the planting season, try
so at harvest time he looks for the crop but has nothing.

I have an admission to make!  I am guilty as charged.  What was I charged of you ask?  I am guilty of being a sluggard.  I want great things for my daughters, but I struggle with following up with every way I should be preparing them for life! 

Ok, my wife and I are being intentional, but we are not as successful as I know we should be.  There are several areas in which I struggle with my daughters.  I struggle with having regular devotions, reading to them and the list goes on.  The gist of the verse above is that if we do not work or put forth the effort, we will not get results.  The application to parents and kids would be something like this.  If you do not teach your children biblical principles while they are in your home as adults they will live according to worldly standards and not follow God!

What about you?  I noticed a great disconnect in our country when I ask parents what they want for their children and what they are actually doing for their children.  They have big aspirations, but they are falling short in the application stages.  I want to encourage you to look at your family and ask yourself the following question.

Are you being a sluggard?  

I want to challenge you to take up reading the Proverb of the day and the entire chapter as well.  Lord, please help each one of us to keep our focus on things above and not the things of this earth.  Amen.

I am using the Net Bible to quote from for these posts


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Thursday, January 20th, 2011 Proverbs No Comments
