2.9.2011 Proverbs 9:6
Proverbs Post #34-
Today I was reading in chapter 9, price and verse 6 jumped out to me today. It says:
9:6 Abandon your foolish ways so that you may live, and proceed in the way of understanding.
I am not sure if we could find a better definition of parenting! One of our priorities is raising our kids from birth to the point they can leave our home and live on their own. For those of you who have young kids, and those who have older kids think back a few years, to a time when your kids were foolish. They would want to run outside in the rain with no coat or into the snow with not coat. Some of you are thinking, “When they get older they are just foolish with bigger things!” That may be the case but that is why being a parent is so important.
I have two pieces of encouragement for you and me (I am not exempt from this one either). The first encouragement is to make sure we have eliminated or significantly reduced our foolish ways. Our kids see everything we do! If we are foolish in front of them then they are sure to copy the very thing we modeled to them.
The second bit of encouragement is for the kids. Are you being intentional in how you are raising your kids? I know you probably have a general direction for your kids but are you correcting them to be more Christ-like or because they are getting on your nerves? Knowing where you are headed is crucial.
Are you helping your kids proceed in the way of understanding or wallow in foolishness?
I want to challenge you to take up reading the Proverb of the day and the entire chapter as well. Lord, please help each one of us to keep our focus on things above and not the things of this earth. Amen.
I am using the Net Bible to quote from for these posts
11.9.2010 Proverbs 9:6
Today I was reading in chapter 9, and verse 6 popped out to me today. It says:
9:6 Abandon your foolish ways so that you may live, and proceed in the way of understanding.
What a great verse for parents! This seems like it was written for parents to use with their children. I tell my daughters to “Abandon your foolish ways” on a regular basis! Ok, I don’t use those words but that is what I mean.
I have come to the conclusion that you know when your child is moving in the right direction when they begin to diminish their foolish ways. They begin to think of others and the consequences of their actions before (not after) they take action. Every parents is praying for this time to come!
But wait, there is more! I know you want for your kid(s) and I want my daughters to “Proceed in the way of understanding” as well. Unfortunately, I don’t know about your home but I realized in our home my daughters may not have the example they need in every area. Let me explain.
I have a confession to make. I have not abandoned all of my foolish ways. I know I still have some. Saying things I should not and raising my voice are a few of the things I struggle with. I want you to think back for a minute, how many of us saw our parents do something, said we would never do that, to only catch ourselves telling our kids or doing the exact same thing?
Our example for our children is very important. Have you abandoned your foolish ways?
I want to challenge you to take up reading the Proverb of the day and the entire chapter as well. Lord, please help each one of us to keep our focus on things above and not the things of this earth. Amen.
I am using the Net Bible to quote from for these posts.
Photo courtsey of www.mattmasonphotography.com